Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI (True EPUB, MOBI)

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI (True EPUB, MOBI)


ดาวน์โหลดหนังสือ (eBook) Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI (True EPUB, MOBI) ฟรี

หมวดหมู่ (Category) : EBooks


รายละเอียด (Details) : 

English | 2023 | ISBN: 1119903777 | 603 pages | True EPUB, MOBI | 69.57 MB

A comprehensive and fully visual guide to Microsoft Power BI

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI collects all the resources you need to master the everyday use of Microsoft’s powerful data visualization software and delivers them in a single, easy-to-use volume. Fully illustrated, step-by-step instructions are combined with crystal-clear screenshots that walk you through the basic and advanced functions of Microsoft Power BI.

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI offers the best visual learning techniques with complete source material about the interface and substance of Power BI, as well as

Stepwise guidance on working with, transforming, and processing data sources
Instructions for customizing data visualizations to create informative and presentation-ready charts and graphs
Full-color, two-page tutorials on the more advanced features of Power BI, including app integrations and data access with DAX

The fastest, easiest way for visual learners to get a handle on Microsoft Power BI, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI is a can’t-miss resource, loaded with useful tips for newbies and experts alike.



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File Name : Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI (True EPUB, MOBI).rar
File Size : 73.1 MB
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Upload date : 23/6/2023
Last modified : 23/6/2023
Password : sbz

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