Python 101, 2nd Edition (Update 2020-08-29)

Python 101, 2nd Edition (Update 2020-08-29)


ดาวน์โหลดหนังสือ (eBook) Python 101, 2nd Edition (Update 2020-08-29) ฟรี

หมวดหมู่ (Category) : EBooks


รายละเอียด (Details) : 

2020 | English | B08GZTFCRF | PDF converted | 547 pages | 8.95 MB

The second edition of Python 101 (50,000+ eBook readers alone) uses Python 3 to teach you how to program successfully. This book can be read by people with no programming experience, although understanding basic computer terminology is recommended.

While Python 101 teaches you all the basics that you need to know, it also dives into many intermediate level topics too. This book is split up into four sections
The Python Language
Intermediate Topics
Creating Sample Applications
Distributing Your Code

This book has been completely rewritten from the ground up. There are many new chapters and coverage of new features in Python 3.
Another new feature is that Python 101 has Review Questions for every chapter. The book also includes an answer key in the back.
Unlike most beginner Python books, Python 101 explains how to create simple applications. It also goes on to teach you how to distribute your code as a Windows executable.



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File Name : Python 101, 2nd Edition (Update 2020-08-29).rar
File Size : 9.41 MB
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Upload date : 16/6/2023
Last modified : 16/6/2023
Password : sbz

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