ดาวน์โหลด โปรแกรม FastReport .NET 2019.4.9 Full โปรแกรมสร้าง Report ใน Visual Studio ฟรี
FastReport .NET 2019 is a full-featured reporting solution for Windows Forms, ASP.NET, MVC and .NET Core. It can be used in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005-2017. Supports .Net Framework 2.0-4.x, .NET Core 2.0
With FastReport.Net, you can create application-independent .Net reports. In other words, FastReport.Net can be used as a standalone reporting tool.
- FastReport.Net is written in C# and contains only managed code. It is compatible with .NET Framework 2.0 and higher. Also it is compatible with .NET Core .NET Framework 1.x is not supported
- Full source code is available. FastReport.Net can be customized to suit your needs
- Object Map. You can add geographical maps to your report.
- Support the clouds. FastReport.Net can save reports to one of three services: Google Drive, DropBox and SkyDrive.
- Reasonable price and licensing policy. At a reasonable price you get a full-featured reporting solution with royalty-free runtime report engine and a designer!
- Extendable FastReport.Net architecture allows you to create your own objects, export filters, wizards and DB engines. If existing features are not enough for you then extend them!
- Supports RDL format – import and export. RDL vs. FastReport.Net comparison table
- Imports Crystal Reports templates. Crystal Reports vs. FastReport .NET comparison table.
- Very compact and really Fast!
- And more.
System Requirements
.Net Framework 2.0 and higher
Windows XP/7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (32-bit and 64-bit – all editions)
Computer with reasonable speed
File Info Official Website : www.fast-report.com
License : Trial
Software Version : 2019.4.9 File Name : FR.NET.v2019.4.9.rar File Size : 94.7 MB File Type : *.rar Server : UploadMX | Box Upload date : 19/06/2019 Last modified : 12/02/2022 | แก้ไขลิ้งค์แล้ว Password : sbz
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" This file is for trial/educational and non-commercial use only. Using non-genuine software may cause various problems to use this software without any problems Please purchase a genuine license from the official website. "