Creating Software with Modern Diagramming Techniques: Build Better Software with Mermaid (PDF)

Creating Software with Modern Diagramming Techniques: Build Better Software with Mermaid (PDF)


ดาวน์โหลดหนังสือ (eBook) Creating Software with Modern Diagramming Techniques: Build Better Software with Mermaid (PDF) ฟรี

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รายละเอียด (Details) : 

English | March 14, 2023 | ISBN: 1680509837 | True PDF | 158 pages | 12.1 MB
Author: Ashley Peacock

Diagrams communicate relationships more directly and clearly than words ever can. Using only text-based markup, create meaningful and attractive diagrams to document your domain, visualize user flows, reveal system architecture at any desired level, or refactor your code. With the tools and techniques this book will give you, you’ll create a wide variety of diagrams in minutes, share them with others, and revise and update them immediately on the basis of feedback. Adding diagrams to your professional vocabulary will enable you to work through your ideas quickly when working on your own code or discussing a proposal with colleagues.

Expand your professional vocabulary by learning to communicate with diagrams as easily and naturally as speaking or writing. This book will provide you with the skills and tools to turn ideas into clear, meaningful, and attractive diagrams in mere minutes, using nothing more complicated than text-based markup. You’ll learn what kinds of diagrams are suited to each of a variety of use cases, from documenting your domain to understanding how complex code pieces together. Model your software’s architecture, creating diagrams focused broadly or narrowly, depending on the audience. Visualize application and user flows, design database schemas, and use diagrams iteratively to design and refactor your application.

You’ll be able to use technical diagramming to improve your day-to-day workflow. You will better understand the codebase you work in, communicate ideas more effectively and immediately with others, and more clearly document the architecture with C4 diagrams. Manually creating diagrams is cumbersome and time-consuming. You’ll learn how to use text-based tools like Mermaid to rapidly turn ideas into diagrams. And You’ll learn how to keep your diagrams up to date and seamlessly integrated into your engineering workflow. You’ll be better at visualizing and communicating when you add diagrams to your standard vocabulary.

What You Need

A Mac or PC
A GitHub account



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