Chinese Weightlifting Technical Mastery and Training

Chinese Weightlifting Technical Mastery and Training


ดาวน์โหลดหนังสือ (eBook) Chinese Weightlifting Technical Mastery and Training ฟรี

หมวดหมู่ (Category) : EBooks


รายละเอียด (Details) : 

English | 2018 | ISBN: 1948404133 | 270 pages | PDF | 23.1 MB

The Chinese weightlifting team has the most medals and records than any other team in the modern weightlifting era. But have you ever wondered how they train?

Despite their success, there is little published work on professional Chinese weightlifting techniques and training methods outside of China…until now.

This textbook is a combination of over 150 translated Chinese weightlifting research articles and best practices originally developed for Chinese coaches.

In 20 chapters, you will learn about
The history of the Chinese weightlifting system
Chinese weightlifting philosophy
Formulating short- and long-term programming
Gender differences in training
Strength training methods
Psychological training
Tactical training for competition
Recovery training
and much more!
Whether you’re a coach, trainer, or athlete, this textbook is a great resource to deepen your weightlifting knowledge and improve your performance.



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