ดาวน์โหลด โปรแกรม AEScript – Lockdown v1.6.1 Win ปลั๊กอิน After Effects สำหรับ Track Warping Surfaces ฟรี
AEScript – Lockdown เป็นปลั๊กอิน โปรแกรม After Effects โดย Lockdown เป็นปลั๊กอินใหม่ที่มีประสิทธิภาพ ที่ช่วยในการ Track Warping Surfaces ภายใน After Effects เหมาะอย่างยิ่งสำหรับงานรีทัชความงาม (beauty retouching) และงาน cleanup อื่น ๆ สามารถทำงานร่วมกับโปรแกรม Adobe After Effects เวอร์ชั่น 2019 ถึง 2020
Supported :
- Adobe After Effects CC 2019 , 2020
- Easy to use
- Controls
- Pre-Compose (Optional)
- Optional Tracking Filter
- Create Points
- Mocha/Face Tracker Import
- Track Points
- Tracking Scale
- Delete backward keyframes
- Delete forward keyframes
- Delete Adjust point
- Delete Adjust track
- Bake selected tracks
- merge points
- Interpolate Partial Tracks
- Generating a mesh and “Auto Triangulate Mesh”
- Lockdown!
- UnLockdown!
- Advanced Controls
- Stabilized
- Render Mesh
- Render Edges
- Point Radius
- Select All Points
- Externalize Selected Points
- Clear Mesh
- Externalized Points
- And more.
What’s new in AEScript – Lockdown 1.6.1 ?:
- Further updated the accuracy and speed of the default tracker in Lockdown.
- Added a new parameter for tracking “Tracking Scale” which has a few effects on tracking. Generally the larger it is, the more it will favor large textures and large motions, and ignore small noise patterns. The larger it gets, the slower the processing is.
- Added quad based mesh smoothing.
- Added adjustments point refinement (integrated into “Track All”).
- New tracking mode – Accurate 1.6.
- Lockdown now creates a quad based mesh upon click and drag.
- When triangulating, extra long connections are disconsidered.
- Edges can now be disabled from view.
- Adjustment points are now always preserved, even during baking operations.
- Other quality improvements.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
System Requirements Adobe After Effects CC 2019 , 2020
Computer with reasonable speed
400+ MB free hard disk space
File Info Official Website : aescripts.com/lockdown
License : Trial
Software Version : 1.6.1 File Name : AESc.LD.v1.6.1.Win.rar File Size : 101 MB File Type : *.rar Server : Google Drive Upload date : 23/12/2020 Last modified : 23/12/2020 Password : sbz
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